Creatures and Monsters
Base Meshes

anthropomorphic Canine Primitives

You will recive one file whit 2 colections that include(both are SFW):

-Female Primitives

-Male Primitives

What you can and canot do:

-You can edit the models to your liking

-you can't resell it

Each piece is separate, so I recommend only editing one side of the character( the limbs),joining the objets and then remeshing for sculpting Each piece is parented to the pelvis for easy positioning/rotation(ex:(ex: the fingers of the hands are paired with the hand, the hand with the forearm, the forearm with the upper arm, the upper arm to the torso,ETC.. (the same goes for the rest of the body) (they do not have an armature)

79 seperate objects( 39 male colection,40 female colection) 52,624 verts total

Any constructive feedback that helps improve my work, please say I will take it into consideration

You will get 1 file

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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