Creatures and Monsters
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3DFoin - Centaur

Centaur animated 3D model. Centaurs are well-known mythological creatures with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. They are nomadic, herd creatures that prefer to live in forests. Centaurs can move very quickly and are excellent with their spears and bows.

Formats included: .3ds .b3d (Blitz3D) .dbo .fbx .max (2012 biped) .mdl (3DGameStudio) .ms3d (Milkshape3D) .smd .ugh (fragmotion) .unitypackage .x (DirectX) iProp (iclone5) mesh-mtl (Esenthel)

Features: Fully rigged, textured and animated. Polygon count: Tris: Centaur: 9500, Spear: 1784 - Polys: Centaur: 5947, Spear: 902 - Verts: Centaur: 4987, Spear: 1053 Textures: diffuse maps, normal maps, specular maps Animations: walk walk left-right run gallop stand idle rear up talk attack 1 attack 2 attack 3 attack 4 cast spell hit 1 hit 2 death

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