Cold Valleys - Winter Platformer Asset Pack
Contents (Full Version 2.4.3): - - Ground Tileset (Auto Tiles) - Ice Berg Tileset (Auto Tiles) - Animated Water Tile (Singular Tile) - Objects and Decorations - A Chilling Parallax Background - Animated Characters - Animated Collectables - Menu UI (Buttons, Sliders, Panels, Cursors, Font Sprites) - HUD UI (Icons, Animated Progress Bars) - Dialogue UI (Panels, Animated Indicators, Speech Bubbles, Emotes) - Ready Game Windows (Main Menu, Level Selection, Level Complete, Level Failed, Paused)
Contents (Demo Version 2.4.3): - - Ground Tileset (Singular Tiles) - Ice Berg Tileset (Singular Tiles) - Objects and Decorations - Animated Player and Slime Characters - Animated Coin Collectable - Menu UI (Buttons, Panels) - HUD UI (Icons, Coin Bar)
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- Add $20+ in products to save 5% on your bundle