Hair 01
Nueve mapas con una resolución de 4k, Ao, Color, Depth, Flow, Frizz, Mask, Normal, RGBM. ademas arme unos planos prearmados y unos simples para que tenga mas libertad en hacer combinaciones para sus futuros proyectos. los mapas con compatibles con todos los programas sobretodos con Unreal.
Realicé testeos en blender 3.0 con el render EEVEE.
se uso el Xgen de Maya.
Nine maps at 4k resolution, Ao, Color, Depth, Flow, Frizz, Mask, Normal, RGBM. I also put together some pre-assembled plans and some simple ones so that you have more freedom in making combinations for your future projects. the maps are compatible with all programs, especially with Unreal
Make tests in blender 3.0 with the EEVEE render. Maya's Xgen was used.
You will get 11 files
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