Xeno Glyphs: Alien Alphabet Graphics: UE4/PNG
This pack is intended to give the extra push your game needs to make its environments feel totally alien to the player. Included are 65 glyph images, all 512 by 512 pixel .png files, that can be used in decals, user interfaces, etc.
The UE4 pack includes a blueprint function library, that contains a function for mapping string characters to glyph images. The included blueprint widget and decal actor make use of this, converting configurable text into glyphs. Because real text is being used, the glyphs won’t seem ‘too random’ and the players will never doubt that there is meaning, even if they don’t know what it is. The blueprint decal actor has parameters for color and size, making for easy placement. There are two included decal materials to choose from. One has a flat look, while the other has a raised edges effect.
You will get 2 files
All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library