Comic Art
Photoshop CC
Traditional Art
Digital Art

Tutorial : Tutorial pack

This tutorial shows my full process for creating a digital painting. It's a fairly advanced tutorial and it's essential to know the basics of Photoshop (or other digital drawing programs) to be able to follow it. It's intended as an honest portrayal of my own process for digital painting, which can sometimes be a bit chaotic - apologies for that! Tutorial It's quite a long tutorial (almost an hour), but I won't be speaking through the whole video - in fact I only speak about 25 minutes in total. In the top right corner, you'll see a volume symbol pop up whenever there is a voice-over. At other moments, the tutorial will just show my process without any voice-over or music. I did have some songs in mind that I felt suited the mood of the drawing. I collected them in a Spotify playlist. You can find the playlist here: spotify:user:1185696634:playlist:62HfB4JoY48mJdA7OJctpU

Also includes my brush set and the final image (low-res).

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