Animated Low Poly Dark Knight
Low poly animated Dark Knight with 126 animations edited in blender from mixamo.
=> Tris: 10900 => Verts: 5582
=> For body:
3 albedos for the eye albedo for the body normal maps specular Ambient Oclusion
=> For armor:
14 substance textures (Albedo + Metallic + Normal Maps)
=> For sword:
3 albedos Ambient Oclusion Normal Maps Emission Metallic
=> For shield:
2 albedos metallic roughness 2 normal maps
InitialPose CrouchingBasicAttack CrouchingBlock CrouchingDamage0 CrouchingDamage1 CrouchingIdle CrouchingIdleOnlySword CrouchingToStand CrouchingToStandOnlySword Fall FloatIdle FloatIdleNoEquipments FloatIdleOnlySword FloatIdlePose FloatToStand FloatToStandNoEquipments FloatToStandOnlySword FlyForward Heal/Bless Jump JumpNoEquipments JumpOnlySword JumpPlusShieldAttack LandOrFlyPose PickItem PrayNoEquipments PrayToStand Resting2 RestingNoEquipments Run RunNoEquipments RunOnlySword RunToFall RunToFly RunToSpinAttack SitToStand Sitting StandAttack1 StandAttack2 StandAttack3 StandAttack4 StandAttack5 StandAttack6 StandAttack7 StandAttack8 StandAttackNightSword StandBlock0 StandBlock1 StandBlock2 StandCombo1 StandCombo2 StandCombo3 StandCombo4 StandDamage0 StandDamage1 StandDamage2 StandDamage3 StandDamage4 StandDashBack StandDashForward StandDashLeft StandDashRight StandDeath0 StandDeath1 StandDeath2 StandDeath3 StandIdle0 StandIdle1 StandIdle2 StandIdleNoEquipments StandIdleNoEquipments2 StandIdleOnlySword0 StandIdleOnlySword1 StandIdleOnlySword2 StandKick StandLightTorch StandNoise StandPowerUp StandPowerUp2Onlysword StandProvoke StandReverence StandRunJumpAttack StandSheathSwordSheattingPartI StandSheathSwordSheattingPartII StandSheathSwordWieldingPartI StandSheathSwordWieldingPartII StandShieldAttack StandShieldAttack1 StandShieldAttack2 StandShieldAttack3 StandShieldToBack StandShieldToGround StandSomersaultForward StandSpell0 StandSpell1 StandSpell2 StandSpell3 StandSpell4 StandSpell5 StandSpell6 StandSpell7 StandSpell8 StandSpell9 StandToCrouch StandToFall StandTurnBack180 StandTurnLeft StandTurnLeftEmptyHands StandTurnLeftOnlySword StandTurnRight StandTurnRightEmptyHands StandTurnRightOnlySword StandUp0 StandUp1 Swimming Walk WalkBackOnlySword WalkCrouchingEmptyHands WalkEmptyHands WalkLeft WalkLeftOnlySword WalkOnlySword WalkRight WalkRightOnlySword WalktoBack WalkWithTorch Any doubts / contact =>
Discord: Dr.Carvalho#2557
My first game =>
Model Details
- FormatsFBX, BLEND
- Polygons10900
- Vertices5500
- AnimatedYes
- MaterialsYes
- TexturesYes
- RiggedYes
- UVsYes
- 3D Print ReadyNo
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