NEW: Increased price. Was under the false impression Cubebrush takes less money than Asset Store but that isn't true. They take their 30% just like Asset Store. So no discount anymore. Sorry for any inconvenience. NEW: Combat!
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Needs Unity. MagicAI is a toolbox designed to help you create believable character AI in your Unity game. You bring your characters, animations and a NavMesh, MagicAI provides the tools and infrastructure to bring it all together in a real world application your way.
Artists and Designers: Combine Tasks and AIChecks to create complex acting characters without any coding.
Programmers: Write your own Tasks and AIChecks to enable your Designers to build a rich and living world.
You don’t need to be a Programmer to use MagicAI. Everything is designed to work without any scripting. But if you are, MagicAI is extensible to any extent.
Supports PlayMaker for visual scripting and Node Canvas for complex decision making.
Developed in Unity 2017.3.0, tested in 2018.2.10. Supports all Unity supported platforms. Just download the newest version. Older versions are only available to allow reverting in case of problems.
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