by Mehmet
in Tools
Photoshop CS6 +
Photoshop CC +
Software Brushes

71 HQ Spotlight Brushes

71 Hi-Res Professional Spotlight Brushes for Photoshop. Rendered with real IES lights, converted into two separate abr's (Photoshop Brush File) for CS2 to CS5 and CS6 to CC users.

Min brush size is 2500px. (up to 5000px)

How to install CreativeGraphics Spot Light Brushes?

Put the brush presets (.abr files) you have downloaded into the folder PhotoshopPresetsBrushes in the Adobe folder in Program Files if you use Windows or in Applications if you use Macintosh. The original brush presets that come with Adobe Photoshop are kept in this folder. You may also double click .abr file to load it into photoshop.

Important Notice :

For CS2-CS5 users please load : "CreativeGraphicsSpotLightsBrushesCS2toCS5.abr" file. (Max Brush Size : 2500 px) For CS6-CC users please load : "CreativeGraphicsSpotLightsBrushesCS6toCC.abr" file. (Max Brush Size : 5000 px)

Creative Graphics Photoshop Illuminati Series 2 - Spot Lights (2015-2016)

You will get 1 file

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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