Icons & GUI

Magic Energy Orbs


This is a pack of 67 2D aimated energy orbs. Can be used in your 2D, 3D games or appplications.

Animations are from 20 to 50 frames.Frame sizes are from 100x100pix to 250x250pi. All animations are seamlessly looped. Made in 3ds max and Adobe After Effects.

Separate frames are included in compressed PNG file format 32bit with alpha channel. “Separate Frames PNG compressed” folder have 67 subfolders with separate animation frames. 2523 PNGs in total.

  • 14 100x?100 pixels animations. 20 frames per animation
  • 02 150x150 pixels animations. 49 frames per animation
  • 19 200x200 pixels animations. 25 and 49 frames per animation
  • 32 250x250 pixels animations. 25 and 50 frames per animation

Animations are packed into spritehseets. Spritesheets packed in 3 ways: - regular packing in non power of two (nonPOT) spritehseets - regular packing in power of two (POT) spritehseets - TexturePacker packing in POT spritehsheets

  • 58 Regular nonPOT spritesheets are 4x5, 5x5 and 9x9 frames. Spritesheet sizes are from 500x400 to 1750x1750 pixels.
  • 62 POT spritesheets packed using TEXTUREPACKER software for UNITY3D game engine but easy to use in any game engine. Spritesheets are in PNG file format, optimized (redused file size)
  • 58 nonPOT spritesheets included
  • 62 POT spritesheets included

Prepeared for use in UNITY. Prefabs for UNITY created, orbs are ready for use. To see animations just open Unity3D scene and press PLAY.

Arcive includes folders: PSD (67 psd files) Separate Frames PNG compressed (2521 PNGs) Spritesheets Power-of-Two packed by TexturePacker for UNITY3D (62 PNG spritesheet + unity files) Spritesheets regular packing compressed (52 PNGs) Spritesheets regular packing uncompressed (52 PNGs) Unity3D Project (120 PNG spritesheets + Unity files)

VIDEO PREVIEW: video 1: video 2:

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