Hex Basic Set Terrain
This is a set of lovingly hand-painted 2D terrain hex tiles suitable for an overworld, a strategy game, or boardgame-like visuals. - 13 biomes x 4 variations = 52 tiles total - painted at 256x384 pixels so that trees, hills, and mountains can overlap the tiles behind - includes 47 alpha-background decor objects like trees, rocks, and grass
Terrain types included: - grassy plains - forest - water - desert dunes - marshland - snow-capped mountains - hills - dirt - woodland - highland - shrubland - base (generic empty tiles) - void (stars)
Changelog: 1.0: - First Release
1.1: - Added dirt, base, void, hills tile types. - Added underground layers (dirt, water, void). - Slight colour adjustments - Fixed minor visual glitches
1.2: - Added woodland, shrubland, and highlands tile types - Added 34 decor objects - Improved mountains - Fixed stray pixels, alpha holes
1.3.0 - 2021 September 05: - Added 13 decor objects (large mountains, ponds, tree clusters) - Slightly changed name of set for consistency with other new packages - Removed unneeded "tile sheets"
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