Tile Medieval-Fantasy Locations
A set of lovingly hand-painted 2D medieval-fantasy locations suitable for an RPG overworld, a strategy game, or boardgame-like visuals. (This set contains single variations of most of the land types I've drawn, so you're good to go with just this pack, but I do recommend purchasing my "Tile Basic Set" if you plan to make extensive landscapes.)
expands upon my basic terrain assets for those interested in making medieval-fantasy themed games 125 hex tiles (over 63 unique location types, some on different terrain types, some with multiple variations) painted at 256x384 pixels so that towers, mountains, and trees can overlap the tiles behind can be used in a square grid or staggered faux-hex style grid includes 44 road tiles (16 direction types with 2-4 variations per type) includes 228 "decor" sprites which can be placed on any background terrain texture (these include versions of the hex locations with the underlying terrain removed)
Location types included
- farmland (with burned versions); also includes silo, barn versions
- villages; includes wood, thatched-roof, and burnt-down versions
- many castle & stronghold variations, some ruined; some built of stone, some of wood
- pyramids, sphinx, lost city
- church, scriptorium, graveyard
- windmill, farms, granary
- marketplace, smithy, inn, cookhouse, warehouse
- forester's cabin
- walled city
- mines, caves, gated dwarven mine
- stonehenge, temple, temple ruins
- halfling village
- necromancer's tower
- lava-filled cave
- elven lodge
- ... and many more
All assets are included as individual transparent-background png files. The base hex size is 256x256 plus vertical overlap. Decor sprites are of arbitrary size, but generally smaller than the hexes. Road sprites include a directional byte code in their names (you'll understand when you see them).
1.3.4: February 2024 - added 4 new buildings (4 decor sprites, 3 tiles- scriptorium, cookhouse, alchemist, warehouse) - added 12 new road variations - added missing samples from other tile packs
1.3.3: May 2023
- added another decor variant of the clay pit (missed in the last update!)
- added sphinx tile
- added some more decor sprites (sphinx, barns, archery range, barrels)
1.3.2: May 2023
- added clay pits
- touched up the red/green/blue castles (decor and tiles)
- added overlooked decor sprite for "strongholdThatched"
- added missing tiles (in hex set): marshSnakeTemple00, marshStiltVillage00
- corrected misnamed tile (villageHalfling00.png -> plainsHalflingVillage00.png)
- (skipped v1.3.1 so that version number matches the hex set, for my own sanity)
1.3.0: 2023 January 08
- added 53 new location hexes (for 119 total)
- added 100 decor sprites (for 210 total)
- slight tweaks and fixes to various tiles
- made file naming more consistent
1.2: 2019 March
- updated base terrain for all sprites (improved landscape hexes)
- added 13 or so new location hexes
- added 117 decor sprites
- slight tweaks and fixes to various tiles
1.1: 2016 April
- Tiles converted to lighter borders style (just like base set)
- Fixed some minor oversights & defects
1.0: 2016 March
- First release
You will get 2 files
- Add $20+ in products to save 5% on your bundle