Ultra HQ Fabric/Leather Zbrush brushes/Alphas V1
Ultra HQ Seamless Fabric & Leather Sculpt brushes + Alpha/Height maps set Vol.1
For use with:
Substance Painter
99 Zbrush alpha brushes (.ZBP) (77 ADD/SUB + 22 ADD)
99 Alpha maps 4096x4096 8 bit (.JPEG) (77 IN/OUT + 22 IN)
99 Alpha maps 4096x4096 16 bit (.PSD) (77 IN/OUT + 22 IN)
99 Alpha maps 4096x4096 16 bit (.TIFF) (77 IN/OUT + 22 IN)
4 Bonus 3d fabric models in OBJ format (quad topology, UV ready, Subdivide ready):
1 Bonus Zbrush brush with 4 fabric meshes (.IMM)
1 Bonus Zbrush Project with Sofa ready to use.
102 preview images of all 99 Zbrush brushes and alphas (.JPEG)
Bonus fabric models preview images (.JPEG)
Document (.PDF)
I plan to release new brushes, alpha maps, models, products, and tutorials in the near future. So Check out my Instagram and the Artstation page to always know about my WIP, brushes, tools, concepts, etc.:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drf.tools/
Artstation - artstation.com/designfacility
You can use these brushes and alpha/height maps for sculpting any sort of fabric for your character, furniture, interior, props, etc. for a videogame or for your art.
Download Other Alphas/Products - artstation.com/designfacility/store
Other preview pictures are here:
Gallery Part 1 Gallery Part 2 Gallery Part 3 Gallery Part 4 Gallery Part 5
feedback, questions, and updates at - https://www.facebook.com/drf.tools/
License Info
Commercial use of the alphas is permitted but nothing can be included in an asset pack or sold at any sort of asset/resource marketplace and must be embedded components in media such as video games, movies, or similar products.
License Types
Single-user license - this license is for one person only you can use it on multiple computers but only one person should have access to it. Good for freelance artists, students, hobbyists, or motivated pro artists.
Team license (up to 10 users) - For teams with up to 10 people. Currently only available here
Team license (Unlimited) - For teams with more than 10 people. Currently only available here
Educational license (Unlimited) - an unlimited number of users at one school location. Currently only available here
You will get 1 file
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