Space Reference Pack. Space Museums
Samara & Moscow Space Museums Pack. Cool refs I used myself. Samara pack was heavily used in PREY production. 141 high res photos (4272X2848 pixels) of most of the items they have there. Except areas where you can't take pictures. All photos were taken with concept art use in mind. So I was looking for cool machinery, materials and details.
Samara Museum -
Moscow Museum -
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By purchasing any photos from Dmitry Sorokin Cubebrush you are acquiring a Single Person Use license, whether it's a personal or commercial project.
This is the license that allows you to incorporate purchased photos into your own concept designs, including for use for commercial projects. This is NOT an agreement of ownership. This license is non-transferable. If you do not agree to the terms, you are not permitted to use photos. Purchasing the photos doesn't allow to resell them unaltered 'as is' to any 3rd party without incorporating them into your own unique designs/images.
You may not rent, lease, sublicense, distribute, lend nor transfer photos 'as is' in their original unaltered form without prior written consent from Dmitry Sorokin.
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