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Sky Pack 15 / Night Skies — photo reference pack

74 photos JPG, 4608 x 3072 px

This pack features photo references of the night sky and its various conditions.

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  • In the most cases horizon are not overlapping by the buildings (see preview);
  • You can sew panoramas up to 15000 px wide and more;
  • Original metadata, where you can find focal length and technical info;


  • Photos are 4608 x 3072 px;
  • Chromatic aberrations, camera distortion, flying birds and some of the wires was removed;
  • JPG files are 8-bit and converted from the original raw files.

This photo reference pack will be helpful in such usage: HDR backdrop for matte painting; photobash source for concept art and illustration; sky replacement in photography retouching; sky backplate for architectural visualization, etc. For personal and commercial usage.

Tags: nature, scenery, view, environment, night, midnight, moonlight, moonshine, moon, evening, dusk, dawn, twilight, nightfall, sundown, blackness, dark, darkness, duskiness, nighttime, obscurity, nighttide, epic, dramatic, radiance, glare, glow, bloom, clouds, moon light, stars, scary, red, yellow, blue, white

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