High Poly Models

Moon 11k

This Is a 11k Moon with 2 sphere's.

Done with Blender 2.74.

The first sphere has normal map, spec map, colour map. The second sphere is an atmosphere to give a different look. This can be easily turned on or off for your on preference.The other texture's are on two zip file's make sure to download that.

This also has different colour maps for a science fiction look.

This model was done in blender render so no plugins needed, it is ready to be rendered straight away.

All HD high Res-maps which have been edited to be more sharper in renders.

  • Normal Map - 11520x5760

  • Spec Map - 11520x5760

  • Colour Map - 11520x5760

  • Blue Map - 11520x5760

  • Orange Map - 11520x5760

  • Red Map - 11520x5760

  • Yellow Map - 11520x5760

  • Polygons - 4,190

  • Vertices - 4,067

The rendered style is Photorealistic, science fiction a take.

If there is any support that is required I would be much obliged to help.

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