Photoshop CS6 +
Photoshop CC +
Software Brushes

Cloud FX GrutBrushes • 50 Photoshop Cloud Tools


50 Dynamic, Pressure responsive Photoshop Cloud Painting Brush Tools (Tool Preset files) from GrutBrushes. Cloud FX brushes are not stencil stamp brushes so no two brush strokes will ever be alike. The tools respond to the individual pressure of each stroke of the stylus.

"#3... Best New Graphic Design Tools" - (July 2016)

"10/10...Editor's Choice" - Photoshop Creative Magazine (July 2016)

UPDATE: JUNE 2018: Now includes NEW High-Res versions as well as the original medium web-res versions. The new high res brushes are much larger and have all been individually 're-mastered' at the new size for high-resolution photo work

Includes 30 Dynamic textured cloud brushes which have no defined bitmap texture, meaning they will never repeat or even show a visible tile seem as they have no static texture. You can draw over the same spot multiple times with a dynamic brush and never get the same pattern.

Two of the dynamic brushes Aerodust and Aerogig allow you to shape the cloud particles by moving your Stylus around. As long as you don't lift your stylus, you can shift and push the particles around like sand on a chalkboard. Once you lift your hand from the tablet, the cloud particles are 'set' in place.

Also included are the 10 static 'Gumbo' Cloud brushes which do contain a texture but provide certain fill textures to enhance the structure of your clouds. Use these brushes to fill in subtler web-like textures where the dynamic brushes may be too overbearing or lack a defined structure.

The remaining 10 brushes are the eraser brushes which you can use to carve away at your cloud layers to shape the clouds to exactly and precisely the way you want them to look.

Also includes a 6 Page PDF Quick Start Manual with Cloud Painting Tips and Tutorials • 1 PDF installation instructions

The example cloud images were all painted in Photoshop in just a few minutes with GrutBrushes Cloud FX brushes tools for visual effects, retouching, and Photo compositing.

They can be used in the Tool Preset panel in Photoshop or in the free GrutBrushes Digital Artist's Plugin Panel for Photoshop CC

Oh yes, and also, they are a LOT of fun to use!

Requirements: Photoshop CS6+ and a pressure sensitive graphics tablets like Wacom, Huion, Yinova or other Photoshop compatible tablets.

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