Exterior Architecture
Hard Surface
Interior Architecture
Game ready

Air ducts modular system 60 elements


Air ducts modular system with 60 elements 3D model

Air ducts game ready PBR asset


-High detailed air duct modular system with photo-realistic presentation. -Modular system have 60 individual objects -Game ready asset for every engine. -3ds Max file contain 60 individual named objects -Preview images rendered in real time with game engine Unreal 4 -Objects has real-world scale -You can build any vision of your project with air mashines, roof ends, air ducts and vents included in this pack.


.max (3ds Max 2012 or later) .obj animated meshes are in .fbx


Polygon Count: 3606 Vertices Count: 2105 Number of textures versions: 3 all textures are in .png

Tris Count: airductsinglea - 84 airductquadroa - 300 airductsingleslima - 84 airductquadroslima - 300 airducta - 188 airductb - 460 airductc - 348 airductbifura - 252 airductcrossa - 112 airductshafta - 316 airductqubicreducera - 92 airductenda - 98 airductendb - 130 airductendc - 240 airductendd - 130 airducthandlea - 42 airducthandleb - 42 airductconnectortubequbica - 182 airducttubelonga - 124 airducttubeshorta - 124 airducttubetriplea - 336 airducttubequadroa - 492 airducttubequadrob - 488 airducttubeconnectora - 320 airducttubeconnectorb - 252 airducttubeconnectorc - 748 airducttube30d - 180 airducttube90d - 432 airducttubereductora - 252 airducttubereductorb - 252 airducttubebifura - 556 airductendtubeb - 312 airductendtubec - 432 airductrooftopa - 174 airductrooftopb - 114 airductrooftopc - 114 airductrooftopd - 1404 airductrooftope - 708 airductrooftopf - 410 airductrooftopg - 518 airductrooftoph - 518 airductrooftopbiga - 972 airductrooftopbigb - 914 airductwallenda - 224 airductwallendb - 224 airductwallendc - 288 airductwallendbig - 288 airductroofboxsmalla - 354 airductroofboxa - 1136 airductroofboxb - 130 airductroofbasesmalla - 306 airductroofbasebiga - 118 airductroofentera - 380 airductroofdoora - 258 airductroofdoorb - 194 airductroofboxendbig - 542 airductroofboxend_small - 182

animated meshes: airductendtubea - 848 airductrooftopi - 720 airductrooftopvent - 1198


All texture maps are 2048x2048 in resolution and divided into 4 versions:

-painted metal -clear steel -dirt steel -rust steel

for PBR are: -Base Color -Metallic -Roughness -normal

TIP: Texture is fully reusable for other models and for maximum performance you can pack all maps into one texture in different channel.

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Model Details

  • FormatsMAX, OBJ, FBX
  • Polygons21,936
  • Vertices12,923
  • AnimatedYes
  • MaterialsNo
  • TexturesYes
  • RiggedNo
  • UVsYes
  • 3D Print ReadyNo
  • 0
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