Curves From Tubes
I'd like to represent you the tool for creating curves from tubes for Maya. Its main advantage is easiness of using. You may just select the geometry and the script will analise selection and create curves where it's possible. You may even select a group or tubes merged together (for example, character's hair). Curves From Tubes script works with tubes (objects of cylindrical topology), as well it can recognize different caps of tubes (see the image "caps.png"). If this script is to be in demand among users, I have ideas how to widen algorythm in order to increase diversity of caps that the script could recognise. Also it works with planes and endless tubes (toruses). The script would be useful when making rig, working with dynamics, and getting guides for hair placing as well.
Curves From Tubes script works with Maya 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
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