Kungfujackrabbit HDRI San Francisco Set 04
Each location and time of day is chosen and enhance your ability to quickly load and use the HDRI as a lighting solution. For advanced lighters the HDRI brings a starting level of light and color to set your palette for the scene.
Minimum size on each image is over 7500+ x 3500+ pixels minimal to allow for maximum reflection, and lighting quality. Some image sets include images 10000 x 5000 and some as high as 12K+! Since all my images are made using the Fish eye lens I could make everything 16K, but file size is a concern. If you are a member or are thinking of becoming a member please let me know if you have a preference. I could make a large resolution set and a smaller resolution set of each but only if it is wanted by enough members to warrant the extra work. It's a great backdrop to most anything you'd like to tell in a Film, short. or video!
I hope you enjoy the new locations!
For advanced lighters the HDRI brings a starting level of light and color to set your palette for the scene.
What is in this set?
5 high resolution HDR images in the LAT LON format.
Each HDRi created from FE Lens is 10000+ x 5000+ pixels minimal to allow for maximum reflection, and lighting quality.
Ready for use in most 3D packages supporting the use of HDRI such as Maya, Max, Zbrush, Keyshot, and more.
Thank you so much,
Garry Lewis - Kungfujackrabbit Studio
There is a catalog of all these HDRI I update each month.
You can look thru to see whether your a member or just interested in what is in all of these set people are buying up:
You will get 1 file
- Add $20+ in products to save 5% on your bundle