Software Brushes

The Perfect Oils: 87 brushes for Procreate


⚡️Updated to Version 4**: 87 brushes, commonly remade and enhanced.

Dear friends, Version 4 is released on February 29, 2024. If you have already purchased this product, please download the update.

  • The set of Procreate brushes for oil painting at all stages and various manners, with an impasto effect and a lively feeling of oil paint both in the process and as a result. Excellent for Plein-air and from-nature etudes, color sketches, and long-term serious artworks and illustrations.

  • The file with hints and tips will also be supplemented with tips and recommendations as they become available.

The set also works in Procreate Pocket for iPhone; however, all the features can be fully disclosed using pressure sensitivity, as it's available on the iPad.

Please, Attention! This product is NOT released under the GPL (General Public License) or any variations. If you find it on the market selling with such a license, it means that this product was stolen or distributed there illegally without the author's knowledge..

See the workflow videos in the presentation (This video library will be replenished with more informative videos, showing the brushwork and the techniques.):
A Girl in Flowers painting workflow, short movie (Youtube) >>>
Painting Oils a Still Life in Procreate. Time-Lapse workflow (Youtube) >>>
Painting a burger in Procreate with author's comments(Youtube) >>>

The set now contains 87 brushes:

For ease of navigation and use, I have divided all the brushes into the following categories corresponding to the painting work stages:

  • 🔘 PreDRAWING, 5 brushes — for outline sketching stage + the very first brush for imprimatur or adding/enhancing the common texture of the canvas;
  • 🔶 OnCANVAS, 15 brushes are expressive and relatively thick with a pronounced peeping canvas texture. Suited best for the first stages of work, sketchy blocking, and energetic painting;
  • 🟪RELIEVO, 12 brushes — for applying rough, expressive paint textures on canvas;
  • 🟩MASTICHINO, 14 brushes — imitate palette knives and their work;
  • 🟡VOLUMES is the main section (22 brushes); these brushes are universal and for all stages of painting, such as sketching or speed painting, blocking out main volumes and color/mass relations, and fine finishing and modeling of shapes and details. You want to try them all to find the most convenient ones for a particular type of work. The designations of subtypes indicate the brush features: 🟡 — universal round/filbert, 🟠 — rounded with increased relief, 🟨 — flat brushes.
  • ♦️ IMPASTO (19 brushes) makes a particularly thick, pasty, embossed stroke. This group complements the previous VOLUMES category and can be considered its continuation. Brushes with a double ♦️ icon at the end of the list have particularly thick strokes in the style of Daubism.

You receive:

  1. Perfect_OILS🔸v4.brushset, the Main file (actual version 4) with 87 Procreate brushes in the set (969 MB);

  2. The Perfect Oils for Procreate V3.0. Info and Tips.pdf. Several main working hints and the Tutorial on getting additional impasto (embossed paint strokes) effect on a layer or final image. (119 MB): Although this file is for the previous version, the basics remain. I will edit this manual and remake it to the current version.

  3. Several images with basic hints regarding the set's brushes and the work with them.

Copyright and Terms:

  • Instant download: Your files will be available once payment is confirmed.
  • ❗️ Please note: this brush set has versions for Photoshop and Procreate. You are looking through the PROCREATE version page. Please be sure that you are buying the right one. I do not accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But don't hesitate to contact me if you have any problems with your order.
  • This product is for unlimited personal and commercial works.
  • ❗️ *Cannot be resold, shared, or provided to the third person *entirely and partially.
  • ❗️ This product is *NOT released under the GPL *(General Public License) or any of its variations. If you find it on a market selling with such a license, this product is distributed there illegally — it is stolen or redistributed illicitly without the author's knowledge. ---

How to install the brushes:

  • Tap the downloaded Perfect_OILS🔸v4.brushset file in your iPad 'FILES' application to launch it. It automatically opens Procreate, and the imported set with the same title will appear at the top of the brush category list. Or:
  • Go to the brushes list in Procreate and tap the "+" sign at the top, right to the "Brush Library" title, then choose 'Import' at the top of the Brush Studio window.
  • Then specify the file with the downloaded brush set (Perfect_OILS🔸v4.brushset).
  • Voila! The folder with the set named “Perfect_OILS🔸v4” will appear at the top of the brush category list.
  • Read more at Procreate website page
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