Photoshop CS6 +
Photoshop CC +
Software Brushes

•The Perfect Oils. Part 2• 46 Mixer Brushes


for desktop Photoshop versions only. This product is the result of about a year of work, when I had been creating and polishing new tools for painting in Photoshop, trying to maximally take into account all the wishes I received from owners and users of Part 1 (“The Perfect Oils” Mixer Brush Presets). Also, I tried to expand the artist’s capabilities as a painter to achieve an even greater approximation of the working process and its results to real impressions of the painting by oils (primarily), acrylic, and tempera paints.

In addition to the 46 Mixer Brush presets, I included here 5 Layer Styles, fine for creating the effect of thick paint relief ("impasto").

Along with "The Perfect Oils Part 1", it is a powerful tool for digital painting, close to real traditional techniques.


Exaples of ART created by using these presets (please Open in a New tab):


By purchasing •The Perfect Oils. Part 2• Mixer Brush preset for Photoshop CS5+ you receive:

  • TPL-file “PerfectOilsPart2_MixerBrushPresetsForPSCS5+.tpl”, This is the main file containing 46 Mixer Brush presets.
  • ASL-file “Layer Impasto Styles.asl”, Added as a Bonus, 5 Layer styles for the effect of thick paint relief, so-called impasto.
  • JPG-file “PerfectOils2.0._List-of-Presets.jpg”, A list of all the presets for the Mixer Brush included in the kit. Can be downloaded here.
  • PDF-file “Perfect Oils 2. Documentation, Manual & FAQs.pdf”, Description, documentation, general information, tips, FAQ. Also, you can download this file from here.


All presets were tested

Please pay attention that this product is for Photoshop versions CS5 and higher. This is just because the Mixer Brush Tool has appeared only since CS5.


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