Photoshop CC
UV Unwrapping
Cinema 4D
Digital Art

Achieve Photorealism with Cinema 4D


Learn how to make from scratch 3D photorealistic illustrations using Cinema 4D, Vray, ZBrush and Photoshop

This course if for you if: - You want to learn how to achieve photorealism with Cinema 4D - You want to learn how to light, compose, render and retouch your images in a professional and artistic way - You want to improve the quality of your renderings with retouching tips and tricks - You want to learn all my process to create illustrations from early stages on ZBrush to final retouching on Photoshop

What you will learn from this tutorial: - You will learn how to make photorealistic illustrations from start to finish: I'll explain to you in detail all the process for those two illustrations, including modeling, materials, lighting, and post-production ninja technics - You will learn how to create from scratch an insect with ZBrush (sculpting, UVs, Dynamesh, ZRemesher, Polypainting, export to C4D) - You'll see how you can take advantage of ZBrush/Cinema 4D workflow for your illustrations - You will learn the steps required to make photorealistic renderings with Cinema 4D and Vray. Before starting into the projects, we will talk about 3D renderings, theory, examples, and what you need to know to start on the right foot. Softwares are tools, but knowledge is the key - You will learn how to improve incredibly your raw render with the use of Photoshop - And because knowing softwares is good, but you also need some basic knowledge about modeling, lighting, materials, to replicate great photorealistic renderings, I'll teach you all I know about photorealism and lights at the beginning of the course

With this course, you will learn how to use a modeling tool like ZBrush, how to compose, light and render your scene for Cinema 4D and Vray4, and how to improve your renderings to a professional standard with Photoshop.

I'll share with you some of my finest tips and tricks that I've never shared to anyone before.

You will have in your hand 13 years of professional experience, creativity, publications... and awards

You will not only see all the process to make great images, but I will also teach you the knowledge you need to understand to know how 3D works and what photorealism means in 3D.

At the end of this course, you'll be confident enough to create great photorealistic illustrations with ZBrush, Cinema 4D, Vray4C4D and Photoshop, and make the next masterpieces acclaimed by the 3D community.

Your only limit will be your imagination!

But I'm not a Vray4C4D user!... The main goal of this tutorial is to show you the whole process to make something realistic and amazing from ZBrush to its final destination: Photoshop, and then your portfolio!

But you've also noticed that many people are using different third-part engine, like Octane, Redshift, Vray or Pro Render. So, is this course still for you?

I will tell you a secret: my materials aren't my best skill. So they are actually quite simple. I think that this tutorial will provides you better tips on how to model with ZBrush, and also how to make something from good to amazing with Photoshop tips and tricks. So my advice: watch the tutorial, learn how to create your new best, how to texture it, make your shiny materials with your preferred rendering engine, and then apply my Photoshop advices, and you'll have something great. It's up to you!

By the way: who am I? I'm Nicolas Delille, french 3D artist and art director (10 years for 3D, 13 years for art direction). Time goes on pretty fast...

You can find my portfolio here:

I started my creative career in advertising, where I had a ton of photo-manipulations to make every day. That helped me definitely to enhance my Photoshop skills :) I had also the opportunity to work with pro retouchers, and that was helpful for the rest of my career!

I started 3D as a hobby first, because I couldn't find some images I was looking for, and I found it easier to create them in 3D. That was the start of a great journey, which lead me to work as a freelancer and launching my studio :

I won many prices, had the chance to work for great brands, with great artists, and I'm still here to create new kickass projects anytime, anywhere :) I gave over the years several masterclasses for 3D Artist magazine, as well as Cinema 4D reviews.

I also like to share with fellow 3D artists. I launched last year Better Digital Artist (, which showcases the best 3D artists in any disciplines. I had the chance to interview great 3D artists. My advice is: don't miss any opportunity to learn from others!

What is The Ladybug Journey project? This project started as a game. I wanted to try to make a ladybug and challenge myself to make something beautiful.

When I released The Ladybug Journey few years back, I had no idea how it would help me in my career for the following years.

After the publication of the first image, I won my first prize as Best Illustration of the Week, then of the Month, with 3D Artist Magazine, and I got published quickly in their international magazine.

The second image took me a bit further, as Maxon (Cinema 4D editor) asked me to use it as their worldwide front illustration for the promotion of their new release of Cinema 4D R17. This illustration is still on their website (bottom page):

Then my two images won prizes in a lot of online publications and magazines, and helped me to get recognition in the 3D community, and also to earn new clients

Why should I buy this tutorial? If you want to learn in a single tutorial what I've learned in 10 years, it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me ;)

Additional content You will have access to all the videos, as expected. You will end up with the final files of each illustration in high-res with the Photoshop layers (PSD), and I'll give you too the high resolution mesh of the ladybug. You will have also access to the C4D scenes, with the lights and materials.

Which means: + C4D files with textures + ZBrush files + Original PSD of the two illustrations + High resolution meshes + Tips and Tricks from Top 3D Artists (PDF) + Discussion about 3D Photorealism

Sounds exciting Nicolas! What am I waiting to order? I don't know. You tell me! ;)

Softwares: Cinema 4D, ZBrush, Photoshop Nicolas Delille website: Better Digital Artist:


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