+70 8K Blooddrop (Transparent background)
+70 8K Blooddrop (Transparent background)
Advantages of this package:
Each layer has the correct name. Not heavy. Customizable. 8k High-quality . 70 preset skin PNG,JEPG files to use. Tags :
fingernail,fishscales,fleshcarbonized,frogskin,hypertrophicwildscar,lizardskin,loopfingerprintskin malecheekskin,malechinskin,malenoseskin,malebellyskin,malefootsoleskin,malefootsole malefullarmskin,malelowerlegskin,maleneckskin,malepalmhandskin,maleshoulderskin maleupperchestskin,nailpolish,namibdunegeckoskin,octopustentacleskin reptilianalienskin,skinacnekeloid,skinbedsore,kinbirthmark skincompactstretch,skinscratches,straw,tonguetaste
How to Install: Just copy the Alpha file in the path below: C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 20**\ZAlphas Select the brush on your lightbox ''Alpha'' Panel.
If you need any help with using these brushes or setting up the materials, please feel free to contact me. I'd be glad to help you. Please rate and review the product! it could be very helpful for me, and I appreciate that. If you are a student and you don't have enough money to buy this product please message me, I will give it to you as a free royalty.
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