+220 4K Brushes Skin (Seamless and Tileable)
+220 4K Brushes Skin (Seamless and Tileable)
Advantage of this package: Each layer has the correct name. Not heavy. Customizable. 4k High-quality . 220 preset skin ZBR,JEPG,PSD files to use.
The file contains : - 40964096 Alpha -16 bit / HeightMaps(JEPG). - 40964096 Alpha -16 bit / HeightMaps(PSD) (Seamless and Tileable). - 4096*4096 Brushes -16 bit / HeightMaps(ZBR). - PDF file (catalogue).
Categories : fingernail,fishscales,fleshcarbonized,frogskin,hypertrophicwildscar,lizardskin,loopfingerprintskin malecheekskin,malechinskin,malenoseskin,malebellyskin,malefootsoleskin,malefootsole malefullarmskin,malelowerlegskin,maleneckskin,malepalmhandskin,maleshoulderskin maleupperchestskin,nailpolish,namibdunegeckoskin,octopustentacleskin reptilianalienskin,skinacnekeloid,skinbedsore,kinbirthmark skincompactstretch,skinscratches,straw,tonguetaste zombiebloodymeat,zombiecrumpledskin.....etc
Please make sure you have the latest version of ZBrush for this Brushes to work! *Made with ZBrush 2021.5.1 .The brushes can be used in ZBrush 2021.5.1 and above.
-If you need any help with using these brushes or setting up the materials, please feel free to contact me. I'd be glad to help you.
-Please rate and review the product! it could be very helpful for me, and I appreciate that .
- If you are a student and you don't have money to buy this product please message me, I will give it to you as a free royalty.
You will get 4 files
All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library