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Wounded skin material .SBS+SBSR+PBR

3 Wounded skin material ( sbs.sbsr,pbr)

Package Contains: 

3 .sbs files 3 .sbsr files pbr textures (4096*4096  resoloution)   ambientocclusion + basecolor + height + metallic + normal + roughness + specular + glossiness + opacity

Each of these materials, designed with utmost attention to detail, encompasses everything from zombie wounds to deep skin injuries, allowing you to believe in the real impact and feeling of the wounds in your 3D model designs.

Believe me when I say that this collection has been meticulously crafted by studying medical and art imagery and utilizing advanced Substance Designer technology, making it somewhat unique and unparalleled.

can be used in : substance designer, substance painter , 3dsmax , blender , maya ,...

Substance Designer File( must have version 2021 (11.1.2) or higher to be able to open the file)

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