Cinema 4D
Game ready
Render Scenes
3D Scans

8K Pine Forest 28 assets pack | LOD | 32\16 bit

This pack contains 20 highly detailed , optimized ready-to-go assets of various pines, stumps, slopes and plants\foliage. Those are extremely useful for virtually any project! Every asset is equipped with full set of sharp 8K textures with hand UV`s and cinematic LODs starting with LOD03 8000 tris in average, which are

  • 32 bit Height

    • 16 bit Normal ( for each LOD)
    • 16 bit AO
    • Really smart roughness
    • 16 bit Detail normal
    • Completely delighted sharp albedo

Scans done with top-notch equipment and precise color calibration to ensure the maximum possible quality and fidelity, so be pretty sure about color accuracy and sharpness.

No scan holes, no artifacts , no low-res sources or black shadows\ao in albedo. No bullshit policy on these. Take and enjoy.

Share this stuff! By sharing you`re buying me more time to do free stuff. So, i am truly thankful for that. !

List is following:

SMPine1\ SMstump02\ SMstump01\ SMsandyslope04\ SMsandyslope03\ SMsandyslope02\ SMsandyslope01\ SMplatanstump\ SMPineStump\ SMPineroots\ SMPine7\ SMPine6\ SMPine5\ SMPine4\ SMPine3\ SMcherrystump\ SMgrass1301 SMgrass1302 SMgrass1204 SMgrass1203 SMgrass1202 SMgrass1201 SMpinecover03 SMpinecover02 SMpinecover01 SMcelandine01 SMCelandine03 SMCelandine_02

Also , as an Octane lover i am, attaching fully set-up scene with all the materials in it.

SHARE this stuff! It is really hard to do and i am not a faceless corporation, just a guy struggling to pay his rent.

You will get 1 file

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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