55 Fabric Brushes Compression Folds,Alpha V02
55 Fabric & leather Brushes( for Zbrush) Tension & Compression Folds+ Alpha (4K&8K 16 bit) - Vol.02
-info about this Product : *50 Brushes & 50 Alphas and Normal maps (4k Resolution ) *5 Brushes & 5 Alphas and Normal maps (8k Resolution ) *Zbrush Brush (ZBP) *PSD (Alpha) *PNG (Alpha) *PNG (Normal Maps) *TIF (Alpha) *JPG (Alpha) *Help Text File (Txt) *PSD, PNG, PDF, TIF, ZBP, JPG (alpha), JPG ( preview ), Txt
-Note : -To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018
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