eBooks & Magazines

Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle


5 Reasons To Buy The Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle:

  • the only eBook on the market with up-to-date 2023 taxonomy
  • fair price, only 23% from the comparable books on the market!
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  • instant delivery at no cost, no need to install additional soft
  • nudibranch ID is fun, not work now - with beautiful images of 1060+ species!

You can buy all 8 books in Reef ID Travel Set with 8500+ species of nudibranchs, living seashells, crustaceans, fishes, echinoderms, flatworms, worms & corals inside.

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Useful Information About Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle book:

This book is a field guide, an assistant for the identification of nudibranchs species in the region. It is designed for divers, underwater photographers. The book presents 1060+ species nudibranchs that can be found and photographed in depths and regions accessible to recreational diving. Photographs, showing color variations and age differences are included. A lot of species covered by this guide have never before appeared in field guides or popular books.

Compact text blocks provide information about Common name, Latin name, family, geographic distribution, size, and the most distinctive features. An extensive photo index at the beginning of the book helps you to find the right group of nudibranchs, especially for readers who have not yet mastered their names.

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