An Adobe After Effects script that converts images to binary format for ScriptUI programmers. Open one or more files and that's it. You get output in two formats:
As separate variables, named as per your filenames:
var imgAddMarker = "\u0089PNG\r\n\x1A...";
var imgCopy = "\u0089PNG\r\n\x...";
var imgCutDelete = "\u0089PNG\r\n\x...";
Or as one array, with variables pre-formatted for you:
var imageBinaryArray = ["\u0089PNG\r\n\x1A...","\u0089PNG\r\n\x...","\u0089PNG\r\n\x..."];
var imgAddMarker = imageBinaryArray[0];
var imgCopy = imageBinaryArray[1];
var imgCutDelete = imageBinaryArray[2];
There are other tools out there, but they were overly complicated and gave me output that was a hassle for me to parse. I just needed something simple where I could cut and paste output as I iterated image variations in my ScriptUI projects, so I made one. True story.
INSTALL: Place inside your AfterEffects/Scripts/ScriptsUI folder and restart After Effetcs. ImageToBinary will appear in Windows > ImageToBinary
While you're here, check out my game-changing After Effects script: Marker Remap. It retimes compositions using split layer markers and I guarantee it will change the way you approach your motion graphics projects.
You will get 1 file
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