Free Groom Brushes for Zbrush 4r8 and Zbrush 2018
These are Groom Brushes that have been optimized and Tweaked to Help you sculpt better hair in Zbrush!
Comes with a Hair Alpha texture, And a Fiber preset!
Add $20+ in products to save 5% on your bundle
You will get 14 files
- MyFibers.ZFP26.46 KB
- Hair_Alpha.png1.03 MB
- Rod_GroomBlow.ZBP23.33 KB
- Rod_GroomBrush.ZBP23.36 KB
- HairMaterial.ZMT17.85 KB
- Rod_GroomMove.ZBP22.79 KB
- Rod_GroomMoveElastic.ZBP23.1 KB
- Rod_GroomPuff.ZBP23.82 KB
- Rod_GroomSpin.ZBP23.35 KB
- Rod_GroomClump.ZBP23.34 KB
- Rod_GroomLengthen.ZBP23.06 KB
- Rod_GroomSmooth.ZBP22.92 KB
- CustomUserInterface2018.cfg15.01 KB
- LongHairCards_Game.zfp53.0 KB
- Add $20+ in products to save 5% on your bundle