Teaser Pack - Custom Brushes for Photoshop
Pack includes 9 unique custom brushes + default airbrush
You will gain: 2 background brushes 4 messy brushes 2 atmo brushes 2 lights brushes
1 default airbrush
ABR file simply double click or add in brush panel
All brushes are unset, don't forget to set brush projection or play fun with brush options to gain proper effect ;)
Check this short 2 min video to know how to use them and listen couple of my hints about this technique -> https://youtu.be/CoPOqatcXog
You can combine brushes from other sets to make Ur own outstanding brush-set
All brushes where originally made from photo material I took in Europe, later strongly edited, over-painted, finally tested, by me and couple other artists.
Feel free to email me marcin.rubinkowski@gmail.com also visit my website for more awesome stuff www.rubinkowski.com
and follow me on FB to be updated https://www.facebook.com/marcin.rubinkowski https://www.facebook.com/rubinkowskiART/
Have fun !!!
You will get 1 file
- Add $20+ in products to save 5% on your bundle