Q pack - Exterior brushes for Photoshop
Exlusive for CubeBrush includes 40 unique custom brushes + default airbrush
You will gain:
- 5 atmo brushes
- 7 background brushes
- 14 messy brushes
- 7 lights brushes
- 2 accents
- 4 human silhouette
- 1 sample dual brush to breakdown
+1 default airbrush
ABR file simply double click or add in brush panel
All brushes where originally made from photo material I took in Europe, later strongly edited, over-painted, finally tested, by me and couple other artists.
Check this short 2 min video to know how to use them and listen couple of my hints about this technique -> https://youtu.be/CoPOqatcXog
I suggest to mix Q pack with other category brushes to gain your special brush mixture :)
Feel free to email me marcin.rubinkowski@gmail.com also visit my website for more awesome stuff www.rubinkowski.com
and follow me on FB to be updated https://www.facebook.com/marcin.rubinkowski https://www.facebook.com/rubinkowskiART/
Have fun !!!
You will get 1 file
- Add $20+ in products to save 5% on your bundle