3D Print Models

Heart Charm

Print ready hart.

Measure units are millimeters, it is about 2 cm in width.

Mesh is manifold, no holes, no inverted faces, no bad contiguous edges.

Available formats: .blend, .stl, .obj, .fbx, .dae

Here is two version of the model:

1) Hrt_lp. (blend, .obj, .fbx, .dae. stl) Here is the solid, both sided version. The model consists of 6220 triangular faces(heart+ring); 76 triangles for the heart itself.

2) Hrtlphlf. (blend, .obj, .fbx, .dae. stl) Here is the hollow half of the heart. Wall thickness is about 1 mm. The model consists of 6240 triangular faces(heart+ring); 96 triangles for the heart

For .stl format there are files with only the hearts, without ring.

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