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Art Camp 2 by Noah Bradley

I'm Noah Bradley, that guy who told everyone “don't go to art school.” I was tired and frustrated with how art education was run and wanted to find a better way. I wanted to help make art education accessible (and affordable) to the masses. So I started Art Camp.

Since then, hundreds of students have learned and grown together to become better artists through the same material offered here.

Included in your purchase:

*12 weeks of 2 hour demos. *A handful of high-res files of the demos themselves *Weekly, tiered assignments. The course was originally designed to be taken week by week, but feel free to take it at your own pace. *12 Recorded critiques from Art Camp 2. 12 hours of additional bonus content. *NEW: English captions for all of Art Camp! I'm very pleased to be able to offer this for those who can learn more easily with the aid of captions.

Art Camp 2 curriculum

Week 1 - Seeing & Drawing Learn to train your eye with basic drawing and observation techniques. These are the basics that everything else is built on.

Week 2 - The Sketchbook Habit Sketchbooks are the birthplaces of paintings. Learn to develop the habit of continual sketching and observation.

Week 3 - Perspective That thing everyone hates. I'm going to break down perspective to the basics of what you need to learn and explain it as clearly as possible. Don't be afraid. It's not that scary.

Week 4 - Experiments in Drawing Materials Learn to play around with new materials in drawing. We'll cover charcoal, graphite, pastel, ink, and perhaps others in an attempt to see what these mediums can offer us.

Week 5 - Experiments in Painting Materials Most people paint digitally because they think traditional painting is expensive and/or complicated. But I'll show you how to do it. I promise you'll love it.

Week 6 - Basics of Digital Painting I'm going to show you every trick, tool, and method I know for working digitally. Specifically designed for working in Photoshop.

Week 7 - Light & Form Learning to draw & paint basic forms is a cornerstone of learning any new medium. These fundamental exercises will push our facility to the next level.

Week 8 - Narrative & Storytelling Learn to communicate compelling narrative in visual and written form. Let's dive into the art of storytelling.

Week 9 - Sequential Art Storyboards, comics, and other sequential art. Learn the freedoms and challenges that come with working with multiple images.

Week 10 - Photography & Reference Get out your cameras. I'm going to show you how to use photography to improve your other artistic skills. Also we'll be talking about shooting good reference and using it effectively.

Week 11 - Digital & Traditional Sculpture Learn to think entirely differently. Working in three dimensions will radically change how you approach your drawings. Trust me—you don't want to miss this.

Week 12 - Creating Work you Love How to find your "style" and do work that you love.

You will get 42 files

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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