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Red Sin Outfit For Maria SH2 Remake

This is a mod for Silent Hill 2 Remake.

Tested on Genuine Latest Steam Version. Can't guarantee working for other versions

Make sure to disable any other mods to make sure this mod works properly

Replaces Maria's model and clothes. Doesn't replace Mary


  • Removable Jacket
  • Removable Dress
  • Removable Thong (panties)
  • Disable Breast and Butt Jiggle

How to install:

  1. Unpack files from to this folder: "SILENT HILL 2\SHProto\Content\Paks\~mods" if ~mods folder doesn't exist just create it. The most common path for mods for the steam version is: [your drive\steam folder]\steamapps\common\SILENT HILL 2\SHProto\Content\Paks\~mods
  2. Installing Options like "Remove Jacket", "Remove Dress": Just unpack contents from the corresponding options archives to the ~mods folder. Do not delete main mod files UmbrellaEngineerRedSinFullOutfit_P from ~mods folder. It should always be there. Example: you want to remove jacket - unpack contents from to ~mods.
  3. You can combine removal patches too. So, if you want Maria to be completely naked just unpack everything from, and to ~mods

You will get 5 files

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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