by Tom
in Tools
Scripts & Plugins
Software Brushes

SDScatter - No overlap tiling in SD


Release 1.0.9 - Added SD 14.0 compatiblity

Release 1.0.6 - Fixes crash when using a high Rotation value combined with Random Rotation and Custom Pattern ID Masks

Release 1.0.5

SDScatter has been completely revamped from the ground up in a lower level language to allow for more performance.

SDScatterPy has been renamed to SDScatter
Improved overall rendering performance by 10-25%
Reduced the file size drastically
Fixed incorrect transform order which caused things that were scaled only on 1 axis to be incorrectly rotated
Now supports multithreaded rendering turned on by default

Demonstration Videos:

Basic random tile demonstration

Masked random tile demonstration

Texture layering demonstration

SDScatter is a plugin seamlessly integrated with Substance Designer and it allows you to tile up to 100 different inputs at a time with no overlapping.

  • Renders grayscale textures up to 4k
  • Average render time is 5 seconds
  • Automatically creates black and white masks, random grayscale textures, and texture id masks.
  • Includes documentation and 3 example materials showing off some of the features.


  • Windows 7/10
  • Substance Designer 2019+


  • The plugin
  • 3 Example Materials in SD
  • Offline video examples, also available on YouTube
  • Documentation which includes Installation, General guidelines, and Parameter Description


  • This is not a full Substance Designer node and it will only work in the context of a Substance Designer graph, meaning it won't be able to work outside Substance Designer as a node (i.e Unity, Unreal Engine, Substance Player) but any textures that are rendered will still work.
  • Only grayscale 16bit images can be rendered, no color is supported yet.

If you are experiencing any issues or have further questions, please contact me at

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