by L.

Alaska - The Final Frontier _ Resource Pack

Alaska is not called The Last Frontier for nothing. To produce this I weathered extreme conditions - 9 days of hiking in the cold rain, fraternizing with grizzlies and moose, carrying an extremely heavy backpack and battling a massive toothache! Because of the conditions 50% of the photos were not usable and I deleted them. So what is left is the best 800 pictures shot at 14 megapixels.

90% of visitors to Denali National Park do not get to see Mount Denali because of weather conditions. Getting the permits needed to go into the wilderness helped to increase my chances and I'm glad I got all the shots to share. I've been working hard to get a better and better pack each year so I really do hope you enjoy this latest pack!

Basic License Agreement:

By purchasing any photos from LittlePinkPebble you are acquiring a Single Person Use license, whether it's a personal or commercial project.

This is the license that allows you to incorporate purchased photos into your own concept designs, including for use for commercial projects. This is NOT an agreement of ownership. This license is non-transferable. If you do not agree to the terms, you are not permitted to use photos. Purchasing the photos doesn't allow to resell them unaltered 'as is' to any 3rd party without incorporating them into your own unique designs/images.

On Gumroad this EXACT same pack is $12 because cube brush takes 45% -

Enjoy and share it !!

p.s. If you wanna say thank you or stay tuned for more packs -

You will get 6 files

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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