Concept Art
Traditional Art

Gouache & Poster Color


Gouache and PosterColor are both amazingly versatile mediums but often people quit before they unlock the real amazing qualities that lie within them.

By the end of this very practical, down to earth tutorial, you will have the strategies you need to overcome the major hang-ups people communicate about these mediums!

I recently did a survey asking, “what is the hardest part of painting with Gouache or Postercolor”, and I got a Lot of great answers back. In the end answers fell within a small range of categories, and today you will be learning all about the understandings (and practices) that will help you overcome the four(+) biggest things that stump Gouache and Postercolor users around the world.

  • "What tools should I use?"

  • “How do I create gradients, or anything soft within my Gouache/Postercolor painting?”

  • “What do I need to know to help me deal with colors and values shifting as the paint dries?”

  • “How much water do I use?”

  • “How do I deal with re-activating colors in the layers beneath?”

  • “How do I use my paint so that its actually Opaque”

  • “How do I get details?”

In this tutorial we answer these questions and more!

By the end you will feel much more confident and able to go out into the world and paint!

P.s. I am always evolving the way I communicate about these ideas, If you dont understand something, or I communicated unclearly, please tell me so that I can update your download!

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