•INK.• 40 Photoshop Brushes for Inking
40 Photoshop Brushes for Inking
(37 drawing brushes with settings + 3 splash/blot brushes from "SPLASHES" Brush set)
+ Photoshop Action for 100% black
This set allows you to reach the effects of drawing and writing with instruments filled with ink. I created it during two two-year long work on an illustrative series for the dilogy book "Anisotropic Highway" and a number of inner ink-like interior spread illustrations for "Analog" SF-magazine.
This Brush Set is designed for Adobe Photoshop but in fact, it may also be used in Photoshop Elements.
Working on those aforesaid graphic art pieces, I intended to reach the effect of drawing and writing by nib and ruling pen, various brushes, and homemade pen (also known as cola pen).
You'll receive:
1. ABR-file , "INK. by EldarZakirov ©2016-2018.abr", The file contains 37 main brushes imitating various nibs, a ruling pen, a homemade pen for calligraphy (cola pen), brushes, and brush sprays. Also included 3 blot brushes from the "SPLASHES" brush set — as a bonus. They put blots and splashes of ink, which can give the work more authenticity and liveliness. All Brushes were tested
2. ABR file , "INK. wo procedural 37 ©.abr", (in the "Fallback option for older PS versions" subfolder) The fallback for old Photoshop version owners.
3. ATN file , "DEHALFTONIZER, Hard INK Drawing.atn", Action for preparing finished monochrome image for printing. It removes halftones and leaves only full 100% black and pure white colors.
4. JPG file, "LIST of INK. brush set by EldarZakirovNEW.jpg", The list image of Set’s brushes with their titles and examples of their stroke/trail. It could be downloaded also here (clickable):
5. PDF file, "INK. Documentation, Manual & FAQs.pdf", Description, documentation, general information, tips, FAQ. It could be downloaded also here (clickable):
All brushes were tested during real work
Examples of Art created with these brushes:
You will get 1 file
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