Term 70-71-76 Voice over tutorial pack
Simple to Complex rendering voice over Guide
Got this suggestion and I think this would be a great tutorial. I've done many other rendering tutorials but this one will be mainly focused on each type of rendering styles and gradually adding complexity to them. I will be going over the more simple rendering style which is just a flat color to more complex one at the end witch has multiple light sources for more dramatic rendering ^_^
Complex Shadow/lighting voice over tutorial
This term's voice over tutorial will be a continuation from last term's voice over about simple to complex shading.This one will be on more complex shading with 3 different variation: Light source coming from the left, From the right and from below.I will be going over some tips on how to go about determining these 3 types of shadow/lighting directions : 3 (I used My Oc Kimi for this example ^_^)
Blending Tutorial too much vr not enough voice over tutorial
This term voice over we are going to go back to one of the most important basics for digital painting: Blending. I'm going to guide you guys on How to blend and how to stay away from "not enough blending" or "too much blending". As always I'll be using a combination of solid round brush/ airbrush and the smudge tool from Photoshop :)
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