
Creating a stylized zombie character

Creating a stylized zombie character,

23+ parts of video, over 10 hours of content!

Free highres skull model included

Great if you want to follow along and create something with the skull you made or have from my other video.

Recorded all steps creating this concept zombie character.

Get a good overview of the modeling process, and creating the stylized colormap.

All is recorded but most parts have no voice-over.

Software used: Zbrush , maya and substance

-Over 10 hours of content

-Starting of from a base anatomical skull i made

-Sculpting details


-Creating a base colormap

-Posing the character

-Creating the hair

-Modeling the props (inflatable unicorn)

Software used: Zbrush , maya and substance

Sculpting along in blender or mudbox should not be much of a problem.

tutorial #zbrush #sculpt #creature #stylized #blender #zombie

Still uploading final content, complete in a few hours.

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