
Steampunk colour palette for Procreate

TASHIRO STEAMPUNK COLOuR PALETTES for procreate consist of:

2 swatches: 60 colour tones total!

TASHIRO STEAMPUNK colour palette 1/2:

(10 colour tones Alesan) (10 colour tones Tory Red) (10 colour tones Lobster Brown)

TASHIRO STEAMPUNK colour palette 2/2:

(10 colour tones Smooth Hound Shark) (10 colour tones Moon Tide) (10 colour tones Lobster Shale)

2 files: TASHIROSTEAMPUNKcolourpalette1.swatches & TASHIROSTEAMPUNKcolourpalette2.swatches

 6 PDF colour codes in RGB These colour palettes are created for Procreate. Just open the application Procreate. Go to your swatches and import the files TASHIROSTEAMPUNKcolourpalette1.swatches & TASHIROSTEAMPUNKcolourpalette2.swatches.

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