Vector pixelfont
The asset TashiroPixelfont01 pack consist of:
26 capital letters in pixel look (no ä, ö, ü and no special characters)
10 numbers 0-9
4 punctuation marks
40 characters total
1 document colour palette with 3 global colour
RGB colour (changeable under menu • file • document setting under the sub panel colour)
1 x SVG file with all vectorised pixel font elements.
The pixel font is created for the application Affinity Designer and can be used as assets in Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher too. Just open the applications Affinity Designer/Photo or Publisher. Go to menu • view • assets. In the panel assets, you can open on the right pop-up menu assets import. Choose the file TashiroPixelfont01.afassets! You can drag and drop a letter/number or punctuation mark out of the assets panel to your document or artboard. Go to menu • view • studio • colour swatch. In the panel swatch, you can also import the document colour palette over the right pop-up menu. Choose the file Tashiro-Pixelart.afpalette! If you change a global colour after you placed a letter/number or punctuation mark, it will automatically change the colour in your hole file very quick and easy. When you do not have the Affinity Apps please open the SVG file. SVG files are usable in Corel Painter, Illustrator, Photoshop CC+ & CS6+ and so on!
This pixel font can be used as headlines, graphic text elements and also for typographical posters.
Affinity #affinitydesigner #affinityphoto #affinitypublisher #assets #vectorized #pixel #font #8bit
You will get 2 files
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