Animate with Motion Capture in Maya
In this tutorial. You will learn my workflow to use motion capture and keyframe animation together. To create custom animations using Autodesk Maya. This is a 1hr 02min fully narrated tutorial. Covering my whole process from beginning to end. You can watch or follow along at your own pace.
The first 5 lessons, will cover. How to find motion capture clips and apply the animation data to ANY character rig. Using a custom rig you'll have the chance to animate hands and faces. Which are usually missing from free mo-cap.
In the rest of the lessons, we will focus on animating. How to find your key poses within the motion capture and using animation layers. I'll give you a detailed explanation of how to turn a walk cycle into something more characterful. You can apply this same workflow to make any other animations. Using animation layers is a quick way to make quick edits and repurpose animation clips.
Topics covered
- Where to source motion capture clips online
- Setting up the character rig using Human IK
- How to use a custom rig with Human IK
- How to select key poses from motion capture
- Stages of a walk cycle
- Animation Layers
- Animating the upper and lower body
- The use of additive layers for an idle animation
- Redesigning a run using override layers
I hope you enjoy the tutorial.
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